Q1: Can I return an item once it has been shipped?

In most cases, items cannot be returned once they have been shipped. However, if you receive damaged or defective items, please contact our customer support team within 5 business days for assistance.

Q2: How do I request a return for damaged or defective items?

To request a return, please contact our customer support team at Customer Support Email within 5 business days of receiving your order. Please provide your order number and details about the issue, and we will guide you through the process.

Q3: Can I cancel a pre-ordered item and get a refund?

Yes, you can cancel a pre-ordered item and request a 80% refund at any time before the item has been shipped. Once the item has been shipped, our standard return policy applies.

Q4: How long does it take to receive a refund for a returned item?

We will process your refund within 5 business days after receiving the returned item and inspecting its condition. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase.

Q5: Why I have placed my order and it still hasn't been shipped yet?

We usually ship out items within 1-3 business days if they're in stock. Have you double checked that the item(s) you have ordered are not preorder items?

Please contact us if you think the item is in stock and you have not received a shipment notice.

Q6: What if I buy something that is in stock and preorder at the same time?

Your order will be shipped when all preorder items become in stock! 

And If you want to get the purchased in stock goods first, please contact our customer service to ship them separately, but we will charge additional shipping fees. Or you can checkout separately on the checkout page in order to receive in stock goods first.

Q7: What about international shipping?

All Standard International Shipping will be sent with tracking to ensure the goods safety. We understand that the shipping cost may look high especially for international customers.

For international orders, please note that your tracking information may stop once it has arrived in your country. It looks like this is a hard limit, there's nothing we can do about it. You are fully responsible for customs fees that may be associated with receiving their package or any fees for reshipments.

Q8: What's the difference between international shipping and Domestic shipping?

International shipping involves transporting goods across international borders, requiring compliance with complex customs regulations, documentation, potential customs duties and taxes, longer delivery times, and higher costs due to extended distances and varying regulatory requirements between countries. In contrast, domestic shipping pertains to the movement of goods within the borders of a single country, offering simpler logistics, shorter delivery times, and lower expenses.




Hey, I'm Cedar from sunny SF, a proud AAU alum. I've rocked the teaching scene, crafted game narratives, penned soul-stirring lyrics, and showcased my artistry. Obsessed with Terada, Otomo, Masakazu, Kaoru, Hojo, and the legendary Moebius. Life's my canvas, and I'm here to paint it with bold hues.

Art Portfolio



Hey, I'm Merlyn a proud AAU grad, living in Chaubunagungamaug, also know as Webster Lake. My journey? From teaching to crafting game strategies, illustrating, and rocking graphic design – I'm into it all. Now, my comic crushes: Mori Kaoru, Takeda Hinata, Asano Inio, Yamada Akihiro, "Akira," and the thrill of "Meiro Fei." Life's an adventure, and I'm here to make every page a masterpiece!

Art Portfolio



Hey there, I'm currently chilling in the beautiful Hangzhou, Zhejiang! I'm a free-spirited illustrator who thrives on bringing fantasy worlds to life. Right now, you can catch me in the vibrant realms of Lolita design and the creative wonders of cultural innovation.

Catch my art vibes on Weibo and LOFTER: @羊角魔王, or follow my Twitter adventures: @羊角豆Yang. And if you're into the pixiv scene, find me at: @羊角豆.

Art Portfolio